“What is the Patreon level at which one can get [outlandish thing]?”
“Go back and listen to episode…”
Shouting HEEEY OOHHH after a your mom joke
“Jim, where is [very easy country]?”
Crazy Nick's crazy fitness
Boy scouts
Reference the Discord
1920’s Nick voice
Grandiose sense of self
Book that is not Dadvice
Soft "yeah"
Jim tried a new thing (bidet, nose hose thing, hot sauce)
Battlefield Earth
Laughing and continuing the Patreon joke during HappyBanjo.mp3
Rant about the mental health profession
Jacob wins trivia
Water shut-off valve
“Aww shit” about the trivia topic
“Wait, what was the question?”
Mispronounced name
"You've just been life coached!"
Double down on unbelievably bad gamble